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New rules are introduced for cars with Euro license plates

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has already submitted to the Verkhovna Rada the draft law No. 7286 of 14.11.2017 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Strengthening of Liability for Certain Offenses in the Field of Road Traffic Safety" and its text has already been distributed to people's deputies for familiarization. This document contains clauses that will regulate the issue of cars with foreign registration located on the territory of Ukraine.

Currently, information about the crossing of the Ukrainian border by a car is in the databases of the Customs and Border Guard Services, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not have such information. This makes it difficult to identify the identity of the driver who drives the vehicle. "Euroblyakhs" often flee the scene of road accidents and law enforcers are unable to establish the identity of the offender.
This bill is aimed at eliminating this shortcoming in the legislation. Now a foreigner importing a car with Euro plates to Ukraine for more than 90 days must register the car in the Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs within ten days and specify the data of the driver who will drive the car. This procedure does not provide for changing the registration data and license plates of the car, but the police will know exactly who is behind the wheel of the "Euro car". Consequently, law enforcers will have an opportunity to punish drivers of such cars for violation of traffic and customs rules.

Oleg Nazarenko, who is the general director of the All-Ukrainian Association of Importers and Dealers, said that the bill suggests the following:

  1. A foreigner who imports a car into Ukraine for more than 90 days will have to go through all procedures according to migration legislation;
  2. The Ukrainian must agree to register the car on the foreigner at his place of residence;
  3. The car must be insured for the time of its stay in Ukraine;
  4. The car must be registered in the Registry, cars without such registration will be stopped by police officers and their drivers will be fined according to Article 121 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine;
  5. Police officers will have the right to stop any car for inspection.

Nazarenko added that after the adoption of this Law, all drivers of Euroblihas will have to find a foreigner who imported the car to Ukraine and go through the registration procedure with him. Otherwise, the car can be safely scrapped or dismantled, as it will have no right to travel in Ukraine. 

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